(480) 264-7226 Scottsdale, AZ

Trevor First


Trevor First

Commercial Lines Risk Advisor

Trevor First’s favorite subjects in high school were marketing, business and art...an interesting combination. People who know him, know that Trevor is both “right-brained” and “left brained.” So he is logical, analytical and objective...while at the same time intuitive, thoughtful and creative. Trevor has always enjoyed the freedom of creating something out of nothing. This, together with his formidable business and marketing skills, enables Trevor to implement insurance strategies that are both innovative and practical. This self-start is highly motivated and passionate about his job, and his life. Trevor loves cooking, travel, gardening and playing with his two beloved dogs.
A 12-year veteran of the Garzella Group, Trevor’s philosophy is simple, “If you want to change the world, start off each day by making your bed.”