(480) 264-7226 Scottsdale, AZ

Carly Garzella


Carly Garzella

SVP of Operations

A lifetime student of human nature, Carly Garzella has always put others before herself. This loving wife and mother of three is extremely close to her entire family, and her proudest moments are spent watching her daughter and two sons grow and develop as people. An especially good listener, Carly is an extremely focused individual whose command of the myriad details of her business life is beyond impressive. Perseverant, considerate and intrepid, Ms. Garzella believes in the philosophy of nothing ventured, nothing gained. She chooses to live every day in the present and not sweat the unimportant stuff. Not surprisingly, Carly’s favorite book is “Happiness Is A Serious Problem,” a treatise about what motivates people and makes them tick. She loves art, science and creative writing. And if Carly could take her family anywhere in the world, it would be to visit her family’s roots in Italy.